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/ Joystick Magazine 1996 September / cd joy 74 No16.iso / mac / CD MIEUX-MIEUX N°13 / Sharewares / Dark Castle Demo.sea / Dark Castle Demo / Dark Castle Demo.rsrc / PICT_1103_Info 4.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1995-09-20  |  74KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (255 colors)
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OCR: The mouse is used to throw rocks. To if Duncan is standing on aim, move the mouse an and down. som ething else that uses the Prince Duncan's arm moves, showing action key you may have to the direction the next rock will be press the action key twice thrown. throw a rock, click the activate the shield. mouse button. Duncan starts out The "E" key IC used to make Duncan with 60 rocks Once Duncan has 80 duck. He continues LO duck for or more rocks he cannot pick an any long the "duck"key IC held down. rock bags. When Duncan discovers the secret of Fireball power, his The "Tab" key pauses the action. rocks turn into fireballs Press any key tc resume play Command-Q returns Duncan to the The "action' key is the "Q" key. It is Great Hall. f you press Command-Q used to get objects activate while in ...